Do you know that certified IT professionals earn 22% more on average than their non-certified peers? It’s not just about the paycheck, though—certifications open doors to better roles, prove your expertise, and make you stand out in the saturated IT space.
Certifications are industry-recognized proof that you have the hands-on skills and knowledge to tackle today's challenges and handle tomorrow's demands.
If you want an IT certification, we’ve compiled a diverse list of useful and widely-regarded IT certifications so you can make an informed choice.
IT certifications are credentials that show you are competent and have expertise in a specific area of IT like ethical hacking or data visualization.
There are two main types of certifications: vendor-specific, which focuses on technologies from specific companies, and vendor-neutral, which covers broader IT concepts.
The Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) is ideal for roles using Cisco equipment in networking.
In programming and development, the Oracle Certified Java Programmer (OCJP) validates Java programming skills, and Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer Associate is for developers using Azure.
Certifications validate specialized skills, enhance competitiveness in the job market, and are often quicker and cheaper to obtain than degrees.
Many certifications require renewal every few years to stay current with industry standards. This is often done through exams or Continuing Education Units (CEUs).