19 MDM Benefits for Remote Teams

    Security is the top concern for IT managers overseeing remote teams.

    It takes one vulnerable device to compromise the entire network, leading to data breaches and loss of intellectual property.

    The Federal Bureau of Investigation revealed that a laptop is stolen every 53 seconds in the United States.

    This means that there is a 10% chance that an individual will have their laptop stolen at some point. The recovery statistics for stolen laptops are even worse, with only 3% ever being recovered.

    There’s more! According to 99Firms, 74% of IT leaders from global enterprises claim their companies have experienced a data breach due to mobile security issues. Lastly, data breaches can cost companies as much as USD 4.45 million.

    It's scary, but there's a silver lining. That's when Mobile Device Management (MDM) comes into play. In this article, we define MDM and walk through 19 benefits for remote teams.

    What is Mobile device management (MDM)?

    Mobile device management (MDM) is the administration of mobile devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops. MDM is usually implemented with the use of a third-party product that has management features for particular vendors of mobile devices. Its core functions include:

    • Ensuring that diverse user equipment is configured to a consistent standard /supported set of applications, functions, or corporate policies.

    • Updating equipment, applications, functions, or policies in a scalable manner

    • Ensuring that users use applications in a consistent and supportable manner.

    • Making sure that the equipment performs consistently.

    • Monitoring and tracking equipment (e.g., location, status, ownership, activity).

    • Being able to efficiently diagnose and troubleshoot equipment remotely.

    19 MDM Benefits for Remote Teams

    Now let's take a look at some MDM benefits for remote teams. 

    1. Enhanced Security

    One of the primary benefits of MDM for remote teams is enhanced security. MDM allows organizations to enforce security policies across all mobile devices, ensuring that data is encrypted, passwords are strong, and devices are protected against unauthorized access. This helps to mitigate the risk of data breaches and intellectual property loss that remote teams may be exposed to.

    2. Device Tracking and Remote Wiping

    If a mobile device is lost or stolen, MDM enables remote tracking and wiping capabilities. This means that even if a device cannot be recovered, organizations can remotely wipe it to ensure that sensitive information does not fall into the wrong hands.

    3. Application Management

    MDM allows organizations to manage and update applications on remote devices. This ensures that all team members have the necessary and up-to-date applications to perform their tasks efficiently. It also allows for easy deployment of new applications or updates, eliminating the need for manual installations on each device.

    4. Device Compliance Monitoring

    With MDM, organizations can monitor and enforce device compliance to ensure that all devices meet the required security standards. This includes checking for operating system updates, antivirus software installation, and adherence to security policies. Non-compliant devices can be flagged, and appropriate actions can be taken to bring them into compliance.

    5. Data Loss Prevention

    MDM allows remote teams to implement data loss prevention measures to protect sensitive company information. It enables organizations to control data sharing and transfer, restrict access to certain files or applications, and encrypt data to prevent unauthorized access. This ensures that confidential information remains secure, even when accessed remotely.

    6. Remote Troubleshooting

    MDM allows remote teams to troubleshoot and resolve technical issues without physical access to the device. IT administrators can remotely diagnose and fix problems, saving valuable time and reducing the need for on-site support. This helps minimize disruptions and maintain productivity for remote teams.

    7. Efficient Device Provisioning

    When onboarding new team members or replacing devices, MDM streamlines the process of device provisioning.

    IT administrators can remotely configure devices with the necessary applications, settings, and security policies, ensuring that new team members have everything they need to start working immediately.

    This eliminates the need for manual setup and reduces the time and effort involved in device deployment.

    8. Efficient Support and Troubleshooting

    IT administrators can remotely access devices and diagnose and resolve issues without physically being present. This saves time and resources by eliminating the need for on-site visits and allows for faster problem resolution, minimizing downtime for remote teams.

    9. Device Tracking and Recovery

    In the event that a device is lost or stolen, MDM enables remote teams to track and locate the device. With features like GPS tracking and remote lock and wipe capabilities, organizations can protect sensitive data and prevent unauthorized access. This gives remote team members peace of mind, knowing that their devices can be tracked and recovered if necessary.

    10. Enhanced Collaboration

    MDM facilitates secure access to files, documents, and collaborative tools, so team members can easily share, edit, and collaborate on projects in real-time. This enables effective communication and teamwork, regardless of team members' location or time zone.

    11. Increased Productivity

    With secure access to company resources and applications, team members can work efficiently from any location.

    MDM also streamlines processes by automating updates and configurations, eliminating time-consuming manual tasks, and ensuring that team members have the necessary tools and resources at their fingertips.

    12. Data Backup and Recovery

    MDM solutions often include data backup and recovery capabilities, safeguarding important files and information. In the event of device failure or data loss, remote team members can easily restore their data and continue their work uninterrupted. This provides peace of mind and mitigates the risks associated with potential data loss or hardware failure.

    13. Improved Security Compliance

    Remote teams often handle sensitive company data and information. MDM solutions enforce security policies, such as encryption, strong passwords, and multi-factor authentication, to protect data from unauthorized access. This ensures compliance with industry regulations and standards, such as GDPR and HIPAA, and helps organizations maintain a higher level of security for their remote teams.

    14. Remote Troubleshooting

    MDM allows IT administrators to remotely diagnose and troubleshoot issues on remote team members' devices. This saves time and resources by eliminating the need for team members to send devices for repair or wait for an on-site technician. With remote troubleshooting capabilities, IT teams can identify and address problems quickly, ensuring that remote team members can continue their work without major interruptions.

    15. Increased Productivity

    MDM solutions provide remote teams with streamlined access to their essential apps, tools, and resources. This ease of access eliminates the need for team members to waste time searching for or setting up necessary applications. With instant access to everything they need, remote team members can focus on their work and be more productive.

    16. Enhanced Device Performance

    MDM includes features that optimize the performance of remote team members' devices. This includes monitoring capabilities that enable IT administrators to identify any performance issues and address them proactively. MDM helps remote teams maintain high productivity levels by ensuring that devices are running efficiently without experiencing slowdowns or technical glitches.

    17. Simplified Onboarding Process

    When new team members join a remote team, MDM simplifies the onboarding process by streamlining device setup and configuration. IT administrators can easily push the necessary apps and settings to the new team member's device, ensuring they have everything they need to start working immediately. This eliminates the need for manual device setup and reduces the time and effort required to onboard new team members.

    18. Centralized Control and Management

    MDM provides organizations with a centralized control and management system for their remote team's devices. IT administrators can easily deploy updates, configure settings, and monitor device usage from a single dashboard. This centralized control saves time and simplifies device management, reducing the burden on IT teams and allowing them to focus on other critical tasks.

    19. Cost Savings

    Implementing MDM for remote teams can result in cost savings for organizations. With centralized management and control, IT teams can minimize the time and resources spent on device maintenance, troubleshooting, and security management. Additionally, MDM can help to prevent data breaches and minimize downtime, reducing potential financial losses for the organization.

    FAQs about MDM

    What are the benefits of an MDM?

    MDM offers numerous advantages, including enhanced security measures, streamlined device management, and improved regulatory compliance.

    It provides the tools for remote teams to work more effectively by ensuring that devices are correctly configured, maintained, and updated. With MDM, organizations can also reduce IT workload and costs associated with managing a remote workforce.

    Additionally, MDM contributes to safeguarding corporate data against cyber threats, which is crucial for maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive information.

    What is MDM remote management?

    MDM remote management refers to managing and monitoring mobile devices remotely. It encompasses a range of functions, such as deploying applications, enforcing security policies, and performing remote wipes on lost or stolen devices. This capability ensures that IT administrators can maintain control over the mobile devices within an organization, even when those devices are distributed across various locations. Remote management is a crucial feature of MDM that enhances the security and efficiency of mobile device usage within a company.

    What are two security benefits of an MDM deployment?

    Two significant security benefits of an MDM deployment include the ability to enforce consistent security policies across all devices and the capacity to lock or disposal of IT assets and devices that are compromised remotely. This ensures that all mobile devices adhere to the same high-security standards, regardless of physical location. Furthermore, if a device is lost or stolen, sensitive data can be protected through remote actions, reducing the risk of data breaches and protecting organizational assets.

    What are the capabilities of MDM?

    MDM capabilities extend to configuring email, Wi-Fi, and VPN settings to ensure secure and seamless connectivity for remote teams. They also include distributing corporate documents and media while controlling their use. Furthermore, MDM allows tracking and reporting device inventory, providing valuable insights into the hardware and software utilized. These capabilities enhance operational efficiency and enable IT administrators to enforce policies and compliance across all mobile devices within the organization.


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