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3-2-1 Backup Strategy

Written by Workwize Team | Nov 22, 2024 8:08:28 AM

The 3-2-1 backup strategy is a data protection and disaster recovery methodology allowing you to securely store your up-to-date data. According to the 3-2-1 rule, three copies of data are created—one original and two copies (on two different media types). 

Although the 3-2-1 back upstrategy is decades old, it’s still relevant. Thanks to its resilient nature, this strategy protects data against multiple risks. Be it a software issue or a physical disaster, the chances of losing all copies of your data are pretty slim.

Breaking Down the 3-2-1 Rule

The 3-2-1 rule is a universal approach popular among both businesses and individuals that requires you to keep:

  • 3 copies of your Data: Out of the three copies, 2 are backup copies of your original data. So, there are two copies.

  • 2 Different Storage Media: Ideally, the data needs to be stored on different media types. 

For instance, the first copy can be stored on a hard drive, and the second on a cloud storage platform. You can choose any media type as long as they’re different, reducing the chances of both copies getting impacted by the same issue.

  • 1 Offsite Copy: One physical copy (stored on the hard drive) is sent off-site, i.e., to a different geographical location. This helps add another layer of protection and facilitates effective disaster recovery.

Note. The goal is to store one copy at a different geographical location. It doesn’t matter whether the data is stored on a hard drive or on a cloud platform.